Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily Kos: Michigan Enviros - Elect Kelley, Johnson & McCormack to ...

Dear Michigan Environmentalist:

Notwithstanding all of the other very important matters in the election,
Michigan enviros must also focus on their important votes in the election
for 3 seats on the Michigan Supreme Court. ?

I urge all Michigan voters to elect Judges Connie Marie Kelley & Shelia Johnson
and Professor Bridget Mary McCormack for the three seats up for
election to the Michigan Supreme Court.

Kelley and McCormack are up for 2 full term seats against 5 other competitors,
including current SC Judge Stephen Markman (an Engler era product)
and his philosophical sidekick, Circuit Judge Colleen O'Brien.

Judge Johnson is running for the partial term seat opposite Snyder appointee,
SC Judge Brian Zahra.

Here are some web sites for information on Kelley, Johnson and McCormack:

Markman and Zahra are part of the current extremist, right-wing 4 vote Federalist
Society gangbanger cabal on the Michigan Supreme Court. ? Markman, Zahra and O'Brien are running a partially coordinated campaign featuring the three together. ?

This afternoon I received one of Colleen O'Brien's robocalls where she is appealing
for votes from "Democratic voters".....i.e. ? her robocall leaves an erroneous impression
letting you think that she is a Democrat when she has actually been nominated by the
Michigan Republican Party.

Here is some more generally stated information about the consequences of current Federalist Society gang/cult activity at the Michigan Supreme Court:

Michigan citizens made an important decision to control Michigan Supreme Court gang activity with the year 2008 defeat of Federalist Society soldier and former Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Clifford Taylor.

As to environmental case decisions, and how Judges Stephen Markman and
Brian Zahra have voted, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters has
published a very detailed and well researched/documented compilation of votes
at this site....don't forget to click on each judge to see each of the individual
decisions and how they voted:

Zahra's record is limited because of his time on the SC. ? However, his single
negative decision on a Michigan Environmental Protection Act case involving
the clear statutory requirements contained in that law a right to allow appeal of permits under MEPA and Zahra's decision denying such a right is more than sufficient grounds to remove him from the Michigan Supreme Court:

Markman's negative record on the court is more extensive, but his decision in
just the MEPA decision cases alone justify his removal from the court, as it justified Cliff Taylor's elective defeat judicial defrocking.

As for O'Brien, take a look at her campaign endorsements and contributors
here to see what kind of justice they are after:



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